Classic Ivory – A Florist Original


Classic Ivory – A Florist Original

This elegant arrangement beautifully conveys a sense of peace, making it a gorgeous gift for a fresh start, bridal bliss, honoring the life of a loved one, and everything in between.

Our Florist Originals Bouquets are uniquely created and handcrafted by our artisan designers using the finest quality flowers. The colors or floral varieties used in this bouquet will vary based on freshness and availability. The actual design you or your recipient will receive will be different from the images shown here.

Designed To Delight

We have a simple goal – delight our customers with flowers that are high quality, fresh, and beautiful. The photos here are examples of our florist original style. The exact design and flowers in your custom bouquet will vary based on availability and the florist’s interpretation of this arrangement.

Fresh & Safe Delivery

The health and safety of our customers, florists and growers is top priority. During this time, we will not require a signature for delivery. All orders will no longer be hand delivered, but be left at the front door with no contact and (as always) ready to delight.

ITEM: #SYM-6022D
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