Rainbow Rose Bouquet

Size:24 Roses No Vase

Rainbow Rose Bouquet

There is no more magical, natural occurrence than a rainbow - have it be in the sky or in a fresh floral arrangement. Our bouquet of two dozen hand-dyed roses symbolizes the majestic phenomenon, with its brilliant colors in each bloom.

Please Note:The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible.


  • Two dozen rainbow roses are about 17"H by 17"W.
  • A farm-fresh bunch of 24 floral stems and foliage.
  • This bouquet comes with floral food and care instructions, packed carefully within a gift box.
  • As soon as you take your bouquet out of the box, trim the stems at an angle and place them in room temperature water with flower food. For long-lasting blooms, trim the stems and replace the water daily.
  • Stems: Roses.

Bloom Details

  • Rose


Your fresh from the farm arrangement is inspected and shipped in a gift box. See

We may occasionally need to substitute for color or flower variety. See