New Baby Blue Belgian Chocolate Covered Strawberries


New Baby Blue Belgian Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Know someone who recently welcomed a new baby boy to their family? Treat the new parents to something sweet with this delightful gift. A dozen berries are dipped and decorated in delicious Belgian chocolate to send your best wishes their way.


  • This gift contains egg, milk, soy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts and coconut.
  • Arrives wrapped in a gift box with ice packs, so please refrigerate upon arrival. The treats are best within two days after arrival.
  • Includes a dozen strawberries dipped in Belgian milk, white and dark chocolate. The berries come decorated with blue and white chocolate drizzles, and white chocolate letters that spell out “baby”.


Your gift is inspected and shipped in a gift box to locations nationwide. See

ITEM: #GE411