Father's Day Belgian Chocolate Covered Strawberries


Father's Day Belgian Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Give Dad a reason to smile with these delicious Belgian Chocolate Covered Strawberries. Hand decorated with toffee, chocolate chips, and sports designs, these berries are a crowd pleaser. 12 Strawberries Hand Dipped in Belgian Milk, Dark, and White Chocolate Hand Decorated with Toffee, Mini Chocolate Chips or Sport Designs. Arrives in an Elegant Gift Box. Since these are hand crafted no two will be exactly the same. Contains: Egg, Milk, Soy, Weat, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, and Coconut


  • 12 Strawberries Hand Dipped in Belgian Milk, Dark, and White Chocolate
  • Hand Decorated with Toffee, Mini Chocolate Chips or Sport Designs
  • Arrives in an Elegant Gift Box
  • Since these are hand crafted no two will be exacty the same
  • Contains: Egg, Milk, Soy, Weat, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, and Coconut


Your gift is inspected and shipped in a gift box to locations nationwide. See

ITEM: #GE2134