Sunlit Memories Standing Spray


Sunlit Memories Standing Spray

Our Sunlit Memories Standing Spray is crafted with a mix of fuchsia, deep blue, hot pink and orange florals to celebrate their radiant life. This vibrant display combines bright shades with stunning texture while sharing thoughtful sentiments and comfort to loved ones.

Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible.


  • The Original Spray is approximately 36"H x 25"W.
  • Designed by florists, ready to display.

Bloom Details

  • Carnation
  • Delphinium
  • Lily
  • Stock
  • Sunflower


This item will be delivered by a local florist. See

To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florists may replace some stems in your arrangement which could differ in color and variety. See

ITEM: #S5322S