So Golden Daffodil Bulb Garden


So Golden Daffodil Bulb Garden

A sure sign that Spring has sprung is when daffodils begin to bloom. This bright garden of yellow florals is a fitting gift for birthdays, sharing a smile, and delighting your loved ones.

PLEASE NOTE: Your Bulb Garden will arrive with pre-rooted bulbs which will grow over the next several weeks to the beautiful garden you see in the picture.


  • Arrives in a woven basket pre-planted with 10 Daffodil bulbs ready to sprout. Each bulb will produce a stem with 1-3 blooms.
  • Care Tips: Place your garden in bright, indirect sunlight. Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch, about once a week to keep it evenly moist. This plant is suitable for both indoors and outdoors, depending on climate.
  • Bulbs arrive in early stages of growth and bloom times may vary.
  • This item is not available for delivery to Hawaii or Alaska.
  • This plant is not pet friendly.

Bloom Details

  • Daffodil


Your fresh from the farm arrangement is inspected and shipped in a gift box. See

We may occasionally need to substitute for color or flower variety. See

ITEM: #P2144