
Will Chocolate Melt In the Mail?


Mmm…chocolate. Sweet, bitter, made into drinks, mixed with other snacks. No matter how you like to consume it, it’s one of the most delicious treats in the world. So delicious, you probably want to share it with everyone you know.

But before you start sending chocolate gifts to your friends and family, you might want to consider the state it will be in upon arrival since it does not take much for chocolate to melt. In fact, its melting temperature is slightly below the average body temperature. That is why chocolate melts in your mouth and hands. And that is why sending chocolate in the mail is not an easy process. Below are some tips to help your chocolate arrive in one, solid piece.


Tip #1 – Send the right stuff.

If you’re sending a gift that contains food items like a chocolate bar or pieces of fudge, you might want to reconsider. These items are almost guaranteed to melt, especially if sent during warmer times of the year. Instead, send chocolate chip cookies, brownies, or even hot cocoa mix. Although they do contain forms of chocolate, they have less cocoa butter in them (which is the ingredient that causes chocolate to melt so easily) and are much less likely to melt in the mail.

Tip #2 – Timing makes all the difference.

Sending a package at the end of the week is almost a guarantee it will end up sitting in a storage facility for a couple days before being sent out. And since shipping companies probably aren’t the best at storing chocolate, your gift might turn into chocolate sauce before it’s even left the building. To be sure this doesn’t happen make an effort to send the gift at the beginning of the week when it will be shipped out right away. Invest in a quick delivery option and also have the recipient sign for the package upon arrival so the box isn’t left outside and possibly in the sun and heat.


Tip #3 – Let the pros send it.

Their birthday is right around the corner and you want to send them some gourmet dipped strawberries. However, if you try to send a gift like this on your own, the coating will most likely melt and the strawberries will probably perish. The better option for sending these kinds of gifts is to order the gifts online where you can guarantee they’ll be sent and received fresh and melt-free. Of course, you can even send brownies online if you’re concerned that any type of chocolate gift will ruin or melt in the mail!

Now that you have some tips on sending chocolate in the mail, the success rate of it arriving there in its original state will be much higher. And if you don’t want to deal with any possibility of the chocolate ruining, then take the easy route and send gourmet gifts online!

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