
Flower Glossary: Statice

Flower Glossary: Statice

Very similar to the Sea Lavender, the Statice Flower is a sister species categorized under the genus Limonium. Other common breeds of this species are English Statice, German Statice, Seafoam Statice, and Latfolia; each one varying slightly from the other. German statice tends to be gray and curves backwards; latfolia are white and blue-violet flowers and English statice shows it’s calyxes in either yellow, white, purple, lavender or pink. English statice ranges in clusters of 1-2 inches across and stems reach heights of 1-2 feet high. Seafoam statice is slightly smaller and had no leaves.

Easy to grow, the statice flower is a popular choice for flower beds as full blooms or as boarders. They are also used by florists as a filler flower in cut arrangements and are widely used for dried arrangements as well. Care for this flower by planting it in sandy soil that drains well and house it in a spot that will give it full sunlight throughout the day. Being a fairly drought tolerant plant, these flowers do not need to be watered often. They are also resistant to harsh salt winds from the ocean, so feel free to plant statice in a coastal area, as it will still thrive.

Statices are perennial flowers that bloom in the spring and summer months. They tend to have an odor, some feeling it is pleasant, and others feeling it is not. They are grown all over the world and used by florists everywhere. Evoking a meaning of sympathy and remembrance, it is common to find this flower used in arrangements for someone grieving a loss or when you want to express to someone how you miss them.

Statice also has a reputation of being a plant with medicinal uses in addition to its traditional floral uses. Lavender flower oils are extracted to help cure toothaches, ulcers and piles. It is also said to have aromatherapy benefits, helping people feel more at ease and let go of their troubles.
