
100 Acts of Service Ideas


Sometimes it’s nice to do something for someone just because. Whether it’s changing a burnt-out light bulb or waiting to watch the next episode together, the little things in life go a long way and we could all use a reminder of that at times. With to-do lists a mile long and life’s other responsibilities looming, it’s important to acknowledge just how impactful the little things can be for our relationships. Not to mention, seeing someone else smile can bring you joy of your own.

As a reminder of the many things you can do for someone else, we created a list of 100 acts of service ideas. Being sure of the things you can do to make someone’s day can be as simple as knowing them and discovering their love language.

Browse through our collection to find endless ways to nurture your relationships and take Gary Chapman’s love language quiz to discover more things you can do to connect with others. Take a break from your own to-do list and check something off someone else’s.

100 Acts of Service Ideas


Those fluent in the Acts of Service love language give and receive love primarily by doing things for others and having things done for them. Lucky for you, this language is budget friendly only costing you a little time and effort!

Use the ideas above and the tips below to embrace the acts of service love language successfully. And remember, actions speak louder than words.

When communicating, use action phrases like, “I’ll help,” “I’ve got you covered,” and “I got your back.”

You should go out of your way to alleviate their workload and check items off of their running to-do list. Do things without asking and follow through on those you say you’ll do.

Avoid emphasizing the request of others or making requests of others a high priority.

Download the sharable acts of service ideas below. You can print them out, pin them and share with your loved ones!


Now that you’ve mastered ways to show someone your love with acts of service, you can elevate your expression by incorporating another love language like receiving gifts or spending quality time with one another. Pick out a fresh bouquet of flowers or a potted plant to set out next to your empty sink of dishes. If you’re looking for more ways you can show your love, take a peek at these romantic quotes or use a few I’m sorry quotes to personalize any apology.
