Love Letter Succulent Garden


Love Letter Succulent Garden

Send a Love Letter that captures everything we adore about the season of love in one gorgeous gift. An absolutely stunning collection of Succulents with rich hues of pink, red, and purple overflow this charming envelope shaped planter.


  • This planter is approximately 7.5“Lx5.5“Wx5.5“H
  • Comes in a pink ceramic envelope shaped planter, decorated with a red heart.
  • Care Tips: Succulents thrive bright indirect sunlight. Only water with a few drops directly to the soil when it has dried out completely, as succulents can tolerate very dry conditions.
  • This item is not available for delivery to Hawaii or Alaska.
  • This plant is not pet friendly.

Fresh & Safe Delivery

The health and safety of our customers, florists and growers is top priority. During this time, we will not require a signature for delivery. All orders will no longer be hand delivered, but be left at the front door with no contact and (as always) ready to delight.

Designed To Delight

We have a simple goal – delight our customers with flowers that are high quality, fresh, and beautiful. While we may occasionally need to substitute for color or flower variety, we promise that the blooms you receive will be fresh and wow you or your gift recipient.

Plants From The Source

Our plants come from passionate farmers. They’re driven to deliver quality and freshness in every box.

ITEM: #P4191